Conservative presses Maple Ridge Liberal on pipeline stance

Mike Murray points out differing stances from feds, BC NDs

filesDan Ruimy (right) defeated Bob D’Eith of the NDP, Mike Murray of the Conservatives and independent candidate Steve Ranta in 2015.

filesDan Ruimy (right) defeated Bob D’Eith of the NDP, Mike Murray of the Conservatives and independent candidate Steve Ranta in 2015.

Former Conservative candidate Mike Murray is wondering if Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge MP Dan Ruimy is going to defend his government’s stance supporting the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion, now that Maple Ridge has two NDP MLAs who oppose the pipeline.

“Will Dan be a strong voice and stand up to the two MLAs … ?” asked Murray.

Will Liberal MPs support their government’s stance in favour of twinning the Edmonton-to-Burnaby pipeline in light of provincial government composed of the NDP-Green alliance that opposes the pipeline? Murray asked.

Bob D’Eith, Maple Ridge-Mission, and Lisa Beare, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows, won both seats for the NDP in the May 9 election.

“I think it’s right to call them out on it,” said Murray.

People voted for Liberals in the last election because they promised to overhaul the National Energy Board before considering a pipeline.

“So now, of course, it’s another promise broken.”

The federal government has completed a review of the NEB and has issued a report, which is now in a 30-day public comment period.

Murray said Conservatives favour the pipeline.

“We’re going to be asking Dan to be a strong voice. You’re still a federal MP and you represent the government.”

Murray said that last week, when the Opposition raised the topic in the House of Commons, Liberal B.C. MPs were absent.

Ruimy said he was chairing a committee that day and couldn’t get into the House.

He didn’t know how the provincial government will handle the pipeline issue.

“At the end of the day, they’re going to do what they feel they need to do and we’ll do what we need to do.”

Ruimy is on record as supporting the pipeline, saying Canada’s economy is still reliant on energy.

“What more is there to say?”

And if the oil doesn’t move by pipeline, it will move by rail.

“The Conservatives want the pipeline. Anything else they’re doing is trying to score political points.”

Maple Ridge News