The centre will open up for child care services on Nov. 2. File photo

The centre will open up for child care services on Nov. 2. File photo

Construction complete on Goat Mountain Child Care Centre

Centre staff will begin delivering child care services on Nov. 2

  • Oct. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Construction on the Goat Mountain Child Care Centre (GMCC) in New Denver is finally complete, according to a School District 10 report.

The centre was built at Lucerne Elementary School and now has 46 child care spaces, according to the B.C. government.

An Interior Health licensing officer, an architect and building inspector each visited the centre over the past four days to complete their final inspections.

Seven full and part-time staff members have been hired by the Goat Mountains Kids Society to operate the centre and childcare services are set to begin on Nov. 2.

While enrollment projections are lower than anticipated, more children will likely be attending the centre as the school year progresses.

Amenities at the new centre include two child-care rooms, two accessible washrooms and a kitchen.

GMKC staff will be sharing an outdoor child-care space at the centre with the Youth Centre Society and Slocan Lake Early Learning Society.

SD 10 staff plan to announce a grand opening event for the new centre shortly.

READ MORE: Nakusp Elementary School childcare centre project gets green light

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