Construction proceeds on the future water treatment plant facility near the Bevan Hostel. Scott Stanfield photo

Construction proceeds on the future water treatment plant facility near the Bevan Hostel. Scott Stanfield photo

Construction well underway on Comox Valley Water Treatment Plant

Construction is well underway on a new water treatment plant that will service 45,000 residents in the Comox Valley.

  • Apr. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Construction is well underway on a new water treatment plant that will service 45,000 residents in the Comox Valley.

Raw water that’s been pumped from Comox Lake will be treated using three processes: filtration, ultraviolet treatment and chlorination. Treated water will then be transported through a pipeline to the water distribution system.

The new system will eliminate the need for turbidity-related boil water notices.

The total project cost is $126 million.

The expected completion date is the fall of 2021.

READ: Construction begins on Comox Valley water treatment project

Comox Valley Record