The plans for the the FFHS's latest project. (Image contributed)

Construction well underway on FFHS’s latest project

Contributed by Gayle Vallance

  • Nov. 25, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Contributed by Gayle Vallance

President, FFHS

Since 2000 the Fernie Family Housing Society has provided affordable accommodation to residents of Fernie. The Society always gives priority to those with the greatest need for safe and accessible housing. Tom Uphill Manor is one of their projects, and it houses seniors and people with disabilities. New Horizon Village provides housing for seniors, people with disabilities and families. Funds are currently being raised to remodel one of the suites at New Horizon Village to bring it up to the highest standards of accessibility for tenants with physical disabilities.

North End Court is the Society’s latest project at 302 – 13th St. Construction is well underway on this affordable housing project which will provide 35 apartments with low end market rens and 14 row houses with subsidized rents. Accommodation is for seniors, people with disabilities, families and single persons with low and moderate incomes. Completion is planned for early in 2022.

Applications for potential tenants will be accepted as of August 2021, but in the meantime, those wanting to be placed on a waiting list can place their applications on The Housing Registry. Those on the Registry will be given first consideration for accommodation in North End Court.

The Fernie Family Housing is pleased to be fulfilling its mission which is to strengthen community by enhancing access for residents to safe and affordable housing, and is looking forward to making Fernie an even more affordable, accessible and pleasant place to live.

Fernie Free Press