Village of Nakusp Office. (Google)

Contractor presents biomass energy system workplan to Nakusp village council

The city committed to applying for grant funding and paying for cost overruns on the project

  • Feb. 12, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Urban Systems has presented a work plan to Nakusp village council that will help advance the village’s proposed biomass energy project.

The estimated budget for the project is $22,500.

If the project is approved, the team will prepare an energy demand model, which would consider existing and future buildings using the system.

Previously completed studies would be referenced and Urban Systems will develop energy profiles for the buildings to be included in the system, gauging the size and capacity needed.

From there a concept layout will be created, illustrating the location of the system, key infrastructure such as the boiler system and distribution pipes and other relevant infrastructure.

The third step will be to prepare a financial model for the system, looking at construction, maintenance and fuel costs and estimating anticipated revenues and/or cost savings.

READ MORE: Local group begins business plan for wood-waste heating system in Nakusp

“It is important to note the financial model will be set up in a manner allowing the Village to change key financial parameters including, but not limited to: project costs, fuel costs, interest rates, grant funding and inflation,” the report reads.

Prior to applying for grant funding and creating a financing strategy, letters of support and interest will be collected from local stakeholders such as key customers and businesses that could provide biomass to burn.

According to the report, Box Lake Lumber Products has already submitted a letter offering an initial commitment of fibre quantities and associated pricing.

The letters will be a valuable part of the grant application, reads the report.

Urban Systems will then be filling out grant applications for the project and creating a project report for council.

The village has been considering a wood-waste heating system, or biomass energy project, since 2014, when a local forestry group entered into an agreement with the village to develop a business plan for a district biomass heating system.

Since then there have been several studies completed looking at viability of the idea.

At their Jan. 25 meeting, village council voted to approve applications for grant funding for the biomass project and committed to paying for cost overruns.

READ MORE: Village staff applying for $2.1 million in grants to complete three infrastructure projects


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