The site of a proposed mobile home park currently looking to be rezoned from Industrial to Residential. (Village of Keremeos)

Controversial Keremeos mobile home park proposal takes another step forward

The proposal would allow for up to 16 mobile homes off 10th Avenue

  • Sep. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Keremeos residents expressed their concerns and support as a controversial proposal to rezone the land behind the old for mobile homes had its public hearing on Sept. 20.

The hearing had initially been held on Sept. 7, but was adjourned when residents expressed concerns that their voices had not been heard, although after review it was found that one of the two did have their letter regarding the proposal read in council in August.

The proposal seeks to have the zoning and land use designation at 914 10th Ave. shifted from its current industrial status to residential zoned for manufactured homes. If approved, the plan is to host up to 16 manufactured homes in the rezoned area.

READ MORE: Big projects and small tax increase for Village of Keremeos

In total, 16 letters were filed, the majority of which opposed the project.

There were a multitude of issues identified by nearby residents with the proposal, such as the traffic impact of the development on 10th Avenue as the sole access road, others opposed going to mobile homes instead of zoning for single-family residences like the surrounding neighbourhoods and others expressed their worries over the ability for the village’s sewer system to handle 16 additional homes.

Four residents voiced their unconditional support of the project, while three asked for the council to put in place restrictions such as an age target for the properties to make them focused on housing older residents.

Following the hearing, the zoning amendment went before the village council which gave it the third reading. It will still need to return to council one more time to be adopted.

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Keremeos Review