Cooling centres will be set up around the Cowichan Valley to help people deal with a bout of heat that has prompted a warning from the province. (Andrea Rondeau/Citizen)

Cooling stations to be set up in Cowichan Valley during heat wave

Heat warning given for Thursday through Saturday

With another heat wave anticipated in the coming days, cooling centres will be opened at several locations in the Cowichan Valley.

Each facility will provide a cool space to provide respite from external temperatures, and water will be provided.

Facilities will be located at the Kerry Park Recreation Centre in Mill Bay, Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan, Lake Cowichan Centennial Hall, Siem Lelum Gymnasium in Duncan, and the Frank Jameson Community Centre in Ladysmith. They will operate from Thursday, July 29, to Saturday, July 31, from noon to 8 p.m. each day.

The Crofton Community Centre and Chemainus Seniors Centre will also provide cooling centres on Saturday, July 31, also from noon until 8 p.m.

Emergency Management BC assisted in setting up the cooling centres.

Earlier this year, when the Cowichan Valley was hit by a heat dome that brought record setting temperatures into the low 40s C to the area, cooling centres provided a welcome haven for those without air conditioning.

While the heat this weekend is not expected to be quite as bad, the province put out a heat warning on Wednesday, July 28, forecasting temperatures that could reach into the 30s C, and advising people on ways to stay cool, and cautioning against leaving animals in hot vehicles. For tips to keep cool check out the link below.

RELATED: Heat wave expected to last through Saturday in Cowichan Valley

Cowichan Valley Citizen