Cops catch theft suspects with stolen goods

Nanaimo Mounties caught two suspected thieves with the goods Tuesday.

Nanaimo Mounties caught two suspected thieves with the goods Tuesday.

Members of the Nanaimo Property Crime Unit moved in on a suspect at a north Nanaimo storage facility where they caught him in a pickup truck loaded with stolen property.

Police arrested a second person at the scene and confiscated thousands of dollars worth of items stolen from Home Depot and vehicles, including, possibly, an RCMP bait car.

Sgt. Sheryl Armstrong, Nanaimo RCMP spokeswoman, said both suspects are well-known to police and were arrested at the scene.

Police were investigating the man with the pickup for some time.

The suspect used a bicycle to ride to vehicles, steal items and then ride the bike with the stolen property back to the pickup truck. Police also recovered a bicycle along with car audio equipment, power tools, garden tools, jewellery and dozens of other items.

Armstrong said the bait car was broken into in early July.

“About six weeks ago we had a bait car that was accessed and we believe that he’s responsible,” Armstrong said. “At this time, until further investigation is done, we can’t state it was definitely him, but we are led to believe there is a good chance it is him.”

Charges of possession of stolen property were recommended to Crown counsel against both suspects, whose names were withheld until they are formally charged.

Police will also try to return the recovered items to their owners.

“We’re asking people to record serial numbers and have identifying marks on their property, so when situations like this occur we’re able to return the property to them,” Armstrong said.

Nanaimo News Bulletin