Riders are greeted by Sooke students as the arrive at Ecole Poirier.

Riders are greeted by Sooke students as the arrive at Ecole Poirier.

Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock arrives in Sooke

Riders received a warm and exceptionally loud welcome for local community

Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock riders arrived in Sooke on Oct. 3 to a barrage of cheers from local students and residents at Ecole Poirier.

Sooke’s rider, Const. Steven Martindale, said the ride, which began on Sept. 23 at Port Alice, has been emotional.

“It’s been pretty awe-inspiring, and words can’t really address everything that’s been going on for two weeks,” he said. “The physical turmoil they kind of prepare us for, but the emotional side of things, you know, they can’t.”

When the ride became physically gruelling, Martindale thought of his junior riders, Daisy Irwin and Joel Dorval.

“I’ve got two pictures of my junior riders on my bike and anytime during the bike hills, I looked down at them and it felt like they were pushing my bike for me.”

The 14-day cycling journey across Vancouver Island ended on Oct. 5 in Victoria.



Sooke News Mirror