Cops for Kids ride stops by Cranbrook

All-Male Fashion Show raises money for kids in the B.C. Southern Interior that are experiencing medical, physical or traumatic crisis.

Cyclists with RCMP's Cops For Kids ride hit the catwalk last week for the annual All-Male Fashion show at the Tamarack Centre.

Cyclists with RCMP's Cops For Kids ride hit the catwalk last week for the annual All-Male Fashion show at the Tamarack Centre.

It was ladies night at the Tamarack Mall last week as the 13th annual Cops for Kids All-Male Fashion Show hit the catwalk to raise money to assist children that are in medical, physical or traumatic crisis in the southern B.C. Interior

Each of the male models were part of a 25-strong crew of cyclists on a 1,000 kilometre tour of the region as part of the Cops for Kids ride.

The models wore apparel donated by businesses within the Tamarack Centre, while money was raised through donations and a silent auction, with musical performances scattered in-between.

Earlier on Wednesday afternoon, the Cops for Kids riders arrived in Cranbrook after braving colder temperatures and some rainy weather conditions. Despite the inclement weather, which included snow, hail and heavy precipitation, their spirits were not dampened in the slightest.

Once the group arrived, it was off to the local branch of TD Bank—one of the sponsors of the ride.  A cheque was presented to A/Cst Jeff Young from TD Bank representative Pam Hebert.

Following dinner at Boston Pizza, it was off to the fashion show.

“Funds raised from the fashion show are donated to the Cops for Kids who are committed to assisting children that are in medical, physical or traumatic crisis,” wrote Cpl. Chris Newel in a press release. “They tirelessly work to raise funds to continue their ongoing support to the children in communities that they serve. Cops for Kids is devoted to helping little hearts, in our communities!”

Cops For Kids has many events throughout the year, however the signature event is the Cops for Kids Ride. This gruelling ten-day ride occurs each year over some very challenging terrain.

The next day it was off to the ABC Restaurant for breakfast and then to Fort Steele.  For nine years, local photographer Brian Clarkson has taken a team photo out at Fort Steele before the group heads to Golden and Revelstoke to continue the journey.

The 10-day ride wraps up in Kelowna on Sunday, Sept 20.  For information on donating or applying for funds go to


Cranbrook Daily Townsman