Corrie Helliwell is running for mayor of Lake Cowichan. (Submitted photo)

Corrie Helliwell is running for mayor of Lake Cowichan. (Submitted photo)

Corrie Helliwell, running for mayor of Lake Cowichan, wants to play larger role in community

Tourism big on agenda

With her children grown, Corrie Helliwell feels it’s time she gave something back to her community and is running to be the next mayor of Lake Cowichan.

Helliwell, who has lived in the community for 17 years and is making her first run for political office, said she wants to take a bigger role in Lake Cowichan and has already developed some good ideas for the town.

She said that while she doesn’t want to discourage the use of the Cowichan River for tubing, it is considered a heritage river and there should be initiatives to deal with the parking and garbage issues that were raised this summer.

“We could limit the number of tubers on the river each day, and charge tubers an environmental fee to help pay for the clean up of the river, including the purchase of garbage bags that attach to the tubes,” Helliwell said.

“We could also have pay parking for the tubers to add to the town’s revenue and, for longer-term planning, build a parking lot designated specifically for tubers and tourists.”

Helliwell operated Copper Lane Boutique in Lake Cowichan for 10 years before opening Fanny’s Farmhouse in Honeymoon Bay two years ago.


“Health and wellness are important, so I would like to see some outdoor exercise equipment installed with a structure over it so it could be used year round,” Helliwell said.

“I would also support walking paths down by the ball park, and a dog park for our pets as well.”

Helliwell said she isn’t going door to door in her campaign due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but will meet with people, with social distancing, if they feel comfortable, and is also relying on social media to get her message out.

“I will be available at the picnic tables at Saywell Park on Wednesday if people want to have a chat,” she said.

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Lake Cowichan Gazette