Cougar and cubs responsible for goat attack

Conservation Officer urges caution with emerging wild animals

A cougar and her two cubs killed a goat on Wilcox Road in the Forest Grove area recently.

The cougars were trapped and dispatched soon after the event.

British Columbia Conservation Officer Service is urging people to be responsible around wild animals as more are emerging with their young ones.

For those who own livestock in the South Cariboo area, Conservation Officer Colin Kravontka recommends owners ensure their animals safety at night.

If you have small animals like goats, and sheep or even llamas or alpacas, you might want to think about locking them up at night or keeping them where they are visible.”

This need for caution applies to other wildlife, including bears which have emerged from hibernation, as well as deer, coyotes and wolves.

Kravontka insists that while even the deer may seem cute and friendly, the best course of action is to stay away.

Deer are very protective. If you see a fawn, stay out of that area as the mother doe is never far away and will charge you to protect her young.”

Aside from staying away from these animals, it is also important not to feed them, says Kravontka.

It’s plain and simple. Don’t feed the animals.

It will make the animals come back and make them less fearful. They will become used to human food and they will need to be dispatched.”

The fine for feeding a wild animal is $230.

Kravontka and the BC Conservation Officer Service want to make sure that people respect the animals and ensure their own safety.

You can look but do not stop; don’t go out and feed them. Just leave them alone and give them their space,” Kravontka concludes.


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