Cougar sightings in Princeton

Residents are asked to take extra care when traveling through the areas in which the cougar has been sighted.

Local residents are reporting cougar sightings over the past two days in the areas of Allison Flats, the Foot Bridge in Allison Flats and at the Brown Bridge .

Please take extra care if you are traveling throughout any of these areas.

As a reminder;

The Ministry of Environment provides the following safety precautions:

Never approach a cougar. Although cougars will normally avoid confrontation, all cougars are unpredictable. Cougars feeding on a kill may be dangerous.

• Always give a cougar an avenue of escape.

Stay calm. Talk to the cougar in a confident voice.

Pick all children up off the ground immediately. Children frighten easily and their rapid movements may provoke an attack.

Do not run. Try to back away from the cougar slowly. Sudden movement or flight may trigger an instinctive attack.

Do not turn your back on the cougar. Face the cougar and remain upright.

Do all you can to enlarge your image. Don’t crouch down or try to hide. Pick up sticks or branches and wave them about.

If you sight a cougar, you are encouraged to phone the Conservation Officer services of the Ministry of Environment toll free at 1-877-952-7277.


Similkameen Spotlight