Mission council has agreed to pay for a chainlink fence around the Mission Legion building. / Kevin Mills Photo

Mission council has agreed to pay for a chainlink fence around the Mission Legion building. / Kevin Mills Photo

Council agrees to pay for fence around Mission Legion

Building has been hit by vandalism and grafitti

Mission council has agreed to spend approximately $8,600 to help protect the Mission Legion building.

Representatives of the Legion appeared at a previous meeting on June 18, to request financial support to cover the cost of fencing around the west and north sides of the Legion’s property, located at 32627 Logan Ave.

“As you are well aware, there is a lot of graffiti and vandalism done to the Legion building,” said Coun. Jim Hinds during yesterday’s (July 16) meeting.

He fully supported the idea of paying for a fence around the property in order to protect it from further damage.

Hinds pointed out that 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the “cessation of hostilities in the First World War” which he explained is why the Legion was formed in the first place.

“Many communities across the country are commemorating that by helping out legions throughout the Dominion and, though it is only a chainlink fence, it’s one way we can say thank you,” said Hinds.

According to a staff report, the fence will consist of six foot high chainlink with three strands of barbed wired on top. It will be tied into the southwest and northwest corners of the building, extend along the property line to the northwest corner and then to the northeast corner on top of the existing retaining wall.

There will be a gate to enter the space between the fence and west side of the building.

The estimated cost is $7,505.93. However, staff have added 15 per cent contingency in the event adjustments are required.

Mission City Record