Council approves CVRD transit bylaw, nixes Seniors’ Centre contribution

Regular council meeting of the Town of Lake Cowichan was held on Jan. 22 at the town hall.

A regular council meeting of the Town of Lake Cowichan was held on Jan. 22 at the town hall.

Ottawa update:

MP Jean Crowder

Crowder’s presentation was intended to provide an overview of what is happening in Ottawa and potential  implications for local governments.

She talked about the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement between Canada and European Union, and the concerns that CETA will limit local governments’ ability to buy goods and services from local suppliers.  This has the potential to impact local economies. Crowder also spoke about her concern over the Conservative’s bills, in particular Bill C-38 and C-45, omnibus budget bills, and their potential to affect us locally.

2012 Year in Review: Cowichan Green Community

A video presentation by CVRD board member Judy Stafford, of the Cowichan Green Community, gave an overview of the many eco-friendly projects the committee and its members achieved in 2012 in the Cowichan Valley.

Cowichan Seniors Community Foundation

The fourth delegation to address council at the meeting was Carol Hunt, executive director of the Cowichan Seniors Community Foundation. Hunt came to present the services the foundation offers to seniors who are not able to get around by themselves and who live in the Cowichan Valley.

They use volunteers to drive seniors to medical or health related appointments, hospital visits, for attending support groups, and Hunt says they are expanding to cover a wider area with the growing need.

CVRD Bylaws

The CVRD submitted a bylaw concerning amendments to the current CVRD Transit Service Establishment. The new bylaw (CVRD Bylaw No 3670) provides for the addition of the Town of Ladysmith as a participant in the Transit Service Area, and amends the apportionment of the cost sharing formula among the participating areas.

Council supported adoption of the CVRD Transit Establishment Amendment Bylaw.

The CVRD also submitted a second bylaw to be considered by council concerning the Cowichan Lake District Senior Association (CLDSA). Bylaw No. 1300 if it is passed would establish a service within the whole of electoral area F and I and the Town of Lake Cowichan to provide an annual contribution to assist the CLDSA in the operation and maintenance of the Cowichan Lake Seniors Centre.

The motion to increase the Town’s contribution for the Seniors Association was defeated.


Lake Cowichan Gazette