A forested plot of land between Sanderson Road and Farrell Road is going to be developed into multi-family and single-family housing. (Cole Schisler photo)

Council approves third reading of zoning bylaw for Farrell Road housing development

New zoning will allow a mix of multi-family and single-family homes

  • Apr. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Council has approved third reading of a zoning amendment bylaw for a housing development in a plot of land between Farrell Road, and Sanderson road in south Ladysmith.

RELATED: Proposed development aims to add housing to south Ladysmith

The developer sought rezoning of the land to R3–A, and R1 zoning to allow for single-family homes and multi-family homes on the site. The R3–A zoning allows for a maximum of 60 multi-family units based on the density of 37 units per hectare. In the R1 zone, the developer is proposing 24 single-family parcels. Those single-family parcels could be made into duplexes or suites, depending on the lot size.

The development also includes park zoning in the southwest corner of the site.

Sean Carroll of Core Group Consultants said that though the site will use both Farrell Road and Sanderson Road as accesses, all construction traffic will be directed to access the site through Farrell Road.

Currently, the site is a forested area. Gloria Garvie lives in the area and is an avid bird-watcher. She said that she has recorded 69 species in the area over the last year and worried that the loss of habitat could harm the birds.

“It’s a very significant place for birds. There are eagles nests, great horned owls nests, and many other birds that will be very much displaced by the removal of those trees,” she said.

John Potts, who said that the development will dead-end on his property, said that he was ‘completely in favour’ of the development.

“I’m quite happy with it to go ahead and I’m quite happy with all the work that’s been done,” he said.

Councillor Rob Johnson expressed concern about the increased traffic in the south Ladysmith area and the pressure it could put on both the South Davis and North Davis Road intersections.

RELATED: South Davis Community group petitions government for changes to the South Davis Road intersection

Mayor Aaron Stone said that the Town will continue to lobby the provincial government for a signalized intersection at South Davis Road to alleviate traffic concerns. However, the provincial government’s position has been that traffic volumes do not necessitate a signalized intersection at South Davis.

Councillor Tricia McKay suggested that continuing to develop southern Ladysmith may force the province’s hand on signalizing the intersection.

Councillor Johnson was the only member of Council to vote against the rezoning and did so because of his concerns around the increase in traffic.

Council will proceed with third reading of “Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw 2014, No. 1860, Amendment Bylaw (No. 33) 2021, No. 2061”; and direct staffed to refer the bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure pursuant to section 52 of the Transportation Act.

Ladysmith Chronicle