Council briefs

Public Hearing

A public hearing held for Bylaw 447, Phillips Phased Development Agreement, for property located at 2830 Phillips Road was reconvened on March 28.

The previous public hearing, held on March 14, was halted until a report on the history of the Phillips Road subdivisions could be compiled by district staff.

Developer Scott Kendrew accused the Sooke News Mirror of stating residents were “landlocked” and reporting incorrect information while in fact the newspaper was only reporting what went on at the meeting and what was said by those who came before council to state their concerns. The actual residents of the properties in the area all have access, although off-roaders do not.

At least one resident was concerned that if their existing road became a dedicated road they would not be compensated.

After a fair bit of discussion on easements, right-of-ways, highways, road allowances, dedicated roads and access to properties, council gave third reading to the bylaw. Councillor Herb Haldane was opposed.

Kendrew will not have to build a road as staff concluded that: necessary and reasonable access to lands beyond was provided for with the subdivision of the Fernwood property; the owners of Lots 2-6 Plan 2065 remain able to access their properties by easement just as they have done since 1978; and existing road conditions will be augmented with the additional dedication adjacent to the existing right-of-way offered by the applicant at the time of subdivision.


District of Sooke council gave first, second and third reading to Bylaw no. 485, Noise Control Bylaw, 2011. The bylaw came before council to attend to “housekeeping” measures. Definitions were amended to update and achieve better clarity. Changes include construction site hours go from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays and statutory holidays. No construction equipment is to be used before 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Monday to Saturday or any time on Sundays and statutory holidays.

Use of residential yard equipment is restricted to 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Bylaw Enforcement Officer Medea Mills stated that most of the complaints she receives are deliberate to annoy neighbours. Actions are complaint driven. Other actions

Council approved the purchase of artwork not to exceed $7,000 for interpretive signage on the boardwalk and access walkway.

Council will consider budgeting for a dedicated vehicle for bylaw enforcement with emergency equipment. Such a vehicle would cost in the realm of $35,000. A report on the feasibility will be brought forward to a future council meeting.

A 2011 Work Plan and budget set out by the Sooke Economic Development Commission was endorsed by council. Discussion ensued on looking at combining three groups, the Sooke Harbour Chamber of Commerce, the EDC and the Sooke Region Tourism Association (SRTA). Some frustration was noted as to lack of people resources to accomplish goals such as job creation initiatives and the marketing of Sooke,

The EDC has a budget of $34,000 for; consultants, meetings and conferences, advertising, marketing, promotional stimulus and marketing the conference centre. The chamber receives $28,150/yr and SRTA $20,000/yr.

A Notice of Motion brought forth by Coun. Herb Haldane did not receive any support from the rest of council. Haldane wanted council to direct staff to engage an independent company to evaluate the current conditions and future capability of the District of Sooke wastewater collection and treatment system.

Haldane said he brought this item forward because of some issues with the system. He said he had nothing against the company (EPCOR) but was only looking for someone to evaluate it because of the upcoming potential 21-year multi-million dollar agreement. He thought spending $116,000 to see if the system was working properly was not out of line.

Mayor Janet Evans stated she would not support the motion as the infrastructure was only five years old and to spend money on something that is essentially brand new, with no complaints, was a total waste of money.

Sooke Council supported the food primary liquor licence application by Prestige Hotel and Resort.

Sooke News Mirror