COUNCIL BRIEFS: Assessing waterfront soil

Firearms discharge task force formed to advise council

The district is allocating $50,000 to complete the first two phases in assessing contamination on district-owned waterfront property, near the corner of Horne Street and Highway 11.

For many years industrial activities have taken place at that location and the property may need remediation before any development can take place.

Assessing the site for contamination is a three-step process. The first step is to review the land and study its past uses, while the second is to undergo a field investigation of soil, groundwater and soil vapour contamination. The third phase is remediating the site.

The district will apply for funding under the Community Works Gas Tax Funds, but if the project is ineligible, the dollars will come from Mission’s gaming reserve.



Task force formed

A task force is being created to help the district create a new bylaw regulating the discharge of firearms.

Representatives from numerous groups will be invited to be a part of the group, including two councillors and two members at-large. Other groups involved will be from the farming sector, First Nations, BC Wildlife Federation, the mountain biking, hiking and equestrian communities, the Mission and District Rod and Gun Club, children’s camps, Mission’s forestry department, RCMP and Mission’s corporate services department.

The group will meet from December 2013 to April 2014 and bring a recommendation to council in May.

The task force’s mandate is to advise council on the necessity, feasibility or desirability of regulating the discharge of firearms within the municipal boundaries; to inform when firearms are discharged to protect livestock or crops; and to discuss which areas should be open or closed to discharging firearms for hunting, while taking into consideration numerous safety factors, including areas near recreation sites.

The task force will dissolve once the mandate has been fulfilled and a Discharge of Firearms Committee will be formed to provide ongoing advice and information to council.

Mission City Record