Council briefs: City budget talks continue

In the next few weeks the city’s finance committee hopes to finalize the 2015 year-end budget.

  • Mar. 15, 2016 10:00 a.m.

In the next few weeks the city’s finance committee hopes to finalize the 2015 year-end budget, said finance committee chair Coun. Scott Nelson during the regular council meeting last Tuesday.

“We’re working with the auditors to get this done as quickly as possible,” Nelson said.

Council and staff are looking at outsourcing the IT position, which was one of eight positions eliminated by council in 2015.

“The outsourcing process through request for proposals is near completion and we hope to bring a recommendation back to council in a few weeks time or less,” Coun. Scott Nelson said.

Generator to be installed

Mueller Electric Ltd. has been awarded the contract to supply and install a standby generator at the the city’s Westside Booster Station. The contract is tendered for $101,583, excluding GST.

Budget committee chair Coun. Scott Nelson said it’s an item in the capital budget that was budgeted for $250,000.

“When the power goes out we will still have water being pumped out to the system,” Nelson said.

Paving project

TRUE Consulting Group has been awarded management of technical services for the city’s Paving 2016 Project. The total amount of the contract is $40,740, excluding GST.

Repairs set

City council has approved Franklin Industries Inc. for a contract in the amount not to exceed $135,000 to do exterior and handrail repairs at the Tourism Discovery Centre.

Coun. Laurie Walters said it will be a bigger expenditure this year because the city has waited a long time to do the repairs.

Going forward council will set aside money and the upkeep will be done more frequently.

The contract is a “sole sourcing” award which is where staff approaches one company and asks for a bid to undertake the work.

“It’s considered a suitable mechanism for technical or specialized services where there’s only one company in the region that can undertake the work,” said Leah Hartley, director of development services.


The deadline for demolishing all three buildings at the Slumber Lodge has been extended until Oct. 14, 2016, by city council.

The bylaw office confirmed the owner has hired a local electrical company to restore power to all the buildings, and that all fire and smoke alarms be installed, things that are required by the demolition order.

Williams Lake Tribune