Great view

Great view

Council Briefs, May 20

A brief recap of what went on at District of Sooke council

  • May. 20, 2015 8:00 a.m.

Cat shelter issue pending


The SAFARS/Victoria Pet Food Bank & Feral Cat Rehabilitation Society (located in Sooke) approached council last Monday with a request to amend Bylaw 600 in order to allow a cat rescue facility to operate in all zones of the district without any restrictions. At the moment, the bylaw restricts owners to four cats (or pets) maximum on their property, unless the property in itself is zoned for commercial use and the facility operates as a kennel. No decision had been made however, and the matter was tabled until the next council meeting on May 25.


Seniors’ strata proposed


A staff report outlined a proposal to create a seniors’ strata village to allow amenities in the area such as a clubhouse and indoor/outdoor recreational area at in Area E Sunriver. The property is zoned CD2 and the proponant wishes to rezone to allow for the amenity building. There would be no commerical use. The development site is 6.4 ha. and is presently zoned to accommodate 95 homes.


Residents concerned over Sunriver green buffer


A Sunriver resident approached council with concerns regarding a green buffer – a belt of trees and wild bush – that separates his property, as well as others in the area – from the development of a new division. He stated this buffer of trees has “whittled away” and that soon it will all be gone.

Council, as well as the engineering department responded to the matter by saying the green buffer property is protected and district-owned land that cannot be developed.

Council implemented a list of requirements and restrictions over this split of land after the district incorporated in 1999, in order to protect the river’s edge.


Public boat launch back before council


Decisions on the operation of the public boat launch will be brought back to council on May 25.

Since 2014 the boat launch has been operated by a private business and revenue received was up considerably since 2103. In 2014-15 the revenue generated were $22,571 with 90 per cent going to the operator and 10 per cent to the district. The district had put in a parking meter, porta-potty  at their cost, and a fish cleaning station was added. The district still pays $4,740 in monthly operating costs. This means the district is running the boat launch at a loss.

Three options on the operation of the facility will be looked at including; the operation of the boat launch by the district; enter into a new agreement with 881301 BC Ltd. with a 50/50 split; or enter into a new agreement with the same terms.

Sooke News Mirror