Council Briefs- Oct 29

A brief report of decisions made by District of Sooke council

At the last council meeting on October 14, th following grants were approved.

Changes were made to Category A grant applications on existing grants. The Greater Victoria Bike to Work Week Society

received a grant of $300, contingent upon approval of the 2015- 2019 Five Year Financial Plan approval by a new council.

Sooke Family Resource Society received $5,000.

The Sooke Lions Club – Canada Day Society received $5,000.

New applications came forward requesting:

BC Conservation Foundation – WildSafe BC requested $7,000, council agreed to approve a Category A grant of $1,225 towards the purchase of materials and supplies, based on approval in the 2015-2019 budget.

A request from the Bipolar Disorder Society for $10,000 was not approved, nor was a request for $4,000 from Communica Dialogue and Resolution Services Society, $7,000 to the Sooke Sailing Assoc.

Sooke Academy of Music (school music program) received $1,000 and the Steps to the Future Childcare Society received $1,106.00

“The committee recognizes there seems to be downloading of requests from other levels of government, there were a number of items we did not support,” said Community Grant Review Committee chair Kerrie Reay.

At the council meeting on October 27, council agreed to continue to support Communities in Bloom.

They also agreed to spend the remainder of the SPA funds ($2,900) for enhancing Christmas decorations in Sooke.

The Sooke Food Bank and Christmas Bureau was granted $7,000 for Christmas hampers.

Sooke Harbour Players received a community grant in the amount of $5,865.

Council directed staff to set aside the $400,000 cash contribution from Sunriver Estates for the purpose of funding the capital costs for the construction of playing fields. A specific reserve fund will be created for this purpose.

This will require the establishment of a new bylaw.

Council approved the use of land at Sooke River Road for eight horseshoe courts plus parking and will draft an agreement with the Sooke Horseshoe Assoc. for the location at 2250 Sooke River Road. Coun. Bev Berger was opposed.

Sooke News Mirror