Council Briefs – October 15

A short recap of what went on and decisions made at Sooke council

  • Oct. 15, 2014 5:00 p.m.

At the special meeting of the District of Sooke  council on October 6 the following items on the agenda were dealt with:


• Council gave first, second and third reading to Bylaw 404, Subdivision and Development Stands Bylaw, 2014. The bylaw was reviewed and public consultation sought by the Land Use and Environment Committee and Committee of the Whole.

• Council gave first, second and third reading to Bylaw 607 which deals with permissive tax exemptions. In this case, the Salvation Army was the applicant requesting a tax exemption of $9,813 based on the proportion of total square metres leased and the total 2014 tax levy.

Reports requiring action:

• Council approved issuance of a Development Permit Amendment for 6995 Nordin Road (Phase 3).

The applicant requested an amendment due to changing market conditions and wishes to make minor alterations to Phase 3 of the DP.  The units will be reduced in size by 15-20 per cent.  The original DP approved construction of 91 multi-family units.  The appliance are also proposing 30 per cent more landscaping specifically to the Nordin Road side of the buildings.

• A request for a $3,000 sponsorship for the Sooke Dance Studio was not approved by council. The reason was the dance studio is a private business and the District of Sooke is not able to provide a benefit or other forms of assistance as per Section 25(1) of the Community Charter.

Reports and correspondence requiring action:

• District of Sooke council recommended establishing a select committee to carry out a public information process for the question on the November 15 ballot: “Would you support the District of Sooke working with the community to develop multi-use community centre facilities? Yes or No.”

• The Public Information Committee would be made up of representatives from Sooke Region CHI, Sooke Community Association, Sooke Lions, Sooke Rotary, SECHS, Sooke OAP, Sooke Seniors’ Drop-In Centre, Sooke Community Arts Council, Sooke Youth Council and SEAPARC.

The mayor will act as liaison.

• District of Sooke Council recommended giving the Sooke Community Association $10,000 towards the recent renovations and upgrades to the Sooke Community Hall.

The association received a grant from the federal government’s New Horizons for Seniors Program ($25,000), in kind donations ($30,000) as well as SCA funds ($30,000) for a total of $85,000.

“The Sooke Community Association has been limping along for years, it wouldn’t hurt us to support them,” said Mayor Milne.

• A request for $500 from the Victoria Family Court & Youth Justice Committee was granted.



The next scheduled council meetings are at 7 p.m. on October 27.

The Committee of the Whole meets at  6 p.m. and on October 27. All meetings take place at the District of Sooke municipal hall at 2205 Otter Point Road, upstairs.

Sooke News Mirror