Council briefs: Revelstoke Adventure Park supported

Revelstoke council expresses support for adventure park, passes new garbage bylaw, and approves garbage truck purchase.

The City of Revelstoke expressed no opposition to the Revelstoke Adventure Park, which will include zip lines, mountain biking, a bungie jump and a man-made lake.

The City of Revelstoke expressed no opposition to the Revelstoke Adventure Park, which will include zip lines, mountain biking, a bungie jump and a man-made lake.

Council re-stated its support for the Revelstoke Adventure Park, but it asked the proponents to work with local emergency services while proceeding.

The city was asked for its opinion as part of the province’s tenure approval process.

A staff report by the City of Revelstoke’s assistant planner Chris Selvig expressed no objections to the development, saying concerns about protecting the city’s watershed were addressed.

However, an e-mail from RCMP Staff-Sgt. Kurt Grabinsky stated concerns about access and security at the adventure park.

“As evidenced by the number of collisions and close calls at the entrance to the Enchanted Forest/SkyTrek, there is great importance in creating a safe way to enter and exit the highway considering vehicles are travelling at or above the posted 100 km/h,” Grabinsky wrote. “Therefore consideration must be given to how the area is accessed, and what mitigating actions will be taken.”

He also asked the proponents consider lighting, security camera, road & parking lot planning, and alarm systems “as this location is remote and at times there will be no persons in the area.”

The Revelstoke Adventure Park is being developed by Jason Roe of Black Tie Properties, in partnership with Northland Properties. It will include lift-accessed mountain biking, hiking trails, bungie jumping, zip lines, a campground, a man-made lake and more once completed.

Garbage bylaw passed

The new garbage bylaw that scraps the rotating pick-up schedule and allows only one free bin to be placed curbside weekly was given third reading by council.

The bylaw also raises the cost of putting out an extra bag to $3, from $2.

All four councillors at the Dec. 22 meeting voted in favour of the new bylaw, with only Mayor Mark McKee voting against it. McKee said that allowing people to only put out one bag would hurt bigger families who go through more garbage.

“I’m concerned about the families that produce more garbage because they have more kids — we’re penalizing those people by making those changes,” he said.

However, councillors Trevor English, Linda Nixon, Aaron Orlando and Gary Sulz all expressed support for the changes.

“Speaking from experience – we have four kids in our house – we have one garbage can going out weekly,” said English. “The children in our home are leaders in recycling.”

“I think we are moving in the right direction,” said Nixon. “It’s the green thing to do.”

The new schedule goes into effect starting February 1.

New garbage truck purchased

The City of Revelstoke will be getting a new garbage truck sometime this year.

Council approved the purchase of a Falcon New Way Cobra with a Freightliner chassis at a cost of $197,205.60.

The city received six bids for the purchase, with the New Way Cobra coming in at the most expensive – about $10,000 more than the cheapest option. However, a report by Darren Komonoski, the operations manager of the department of public works, recommended the New Way Cobra.

The report says the chosen option has the best life-cycle value; has a lighter container, meaning it can haul more trash; has the highest horsepower, and has the largest hydraulic fluid capacity and efficiency.

The purchase of the truck was approved in the 2015 budget.


Revelstoke Times Review