Briefs from the Town of Sidney council meeting on Oct. 29

• Ten downtown business owners spoke in favour of the proposed business improvement area. They stated, in a nutshell, that something needs to be done to better market Sidney, as competition heats up from south Island shopping centres.

• Councillor Melissa Hailey has been acting mayor in recent weeks. Mayor Larry Cross has been away from council business, recovering from illness and recent surgery. Cross has been, however, following local affairs closely from home.

• Councillor Tim Chad says the Peninsula Recreation Commission is offering enough programs to accomplish what a proposed National Health and Fitness Day would have asked of the country. Chad said MP Elizabeth May, in a letter, requested the town to support the Day, but it has since been held up in the House of Commons.

• Council approved adding a part-time driver services department position, to be in place by January, 2013.

• Council approved a request from the Royal Canadian Legion to close off Beacon Avenue, First Street and Sidney Avenue for the Remembrance Day parade on Sunday, Nov. 11. The motion allowed for this on an annual basis.

• The bylaw to allow secondary suites on smaller lots was approved.

• The town has granted the Sidney Museum an exemption from taxation for 2013 and 2014.

• Council’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 13. It’s Nov. 5 committee of the whole was cancelled and rescheduled to Nov. 19.

Peninsula News Review