The former Greyhound terminal on Hwy 16 could be redeveloped into a car wash following a vote by council to rezone the property. (Trevor Hewitt photo)

The former Greyhound terminal on Hwy 16 could be redeveloped into a car wash following a vote by council to rezone the property. (Trevor Hewitt photo)

Council decision on permits for proposed car wash delayed

Applicant still needs to meet outstanding conditions

  • Mar. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Council’s decision on whether or not to approve the Form & Character Development Permit application for the proposed car wash behind 7-Eleven will have to wait.

While a recommendation was in council’s Feb. 25 agenda from the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) to approve the permit application for the lots at 4011 Highway 16, subject to a number of conditions, council was not able to discuss it.

This is because, according to a report submitted to council by town planner Danielle Patterson, the applicant has outstanding conditions to meet before final approval.

READ MORE: Council approves 7-Eleven lot rezone with caveats going forward

This includes obtaining a “release of suspension on subdivision” put in place by the director of waste management.

Once this is obtained council will be able to vote on the relevant applications and permits, including the ones from the recent APC meeting.

In the minutes of the APC report presented to council at the meeting the committee recommended council approve the applicant’s Form & Character Development Permit.

The committee’s endorsement of approval, however, came with a number of recommendations.

These include: the Developer providing plans showing location and screening of the shared garbage dumpster, including colours and materials that comply with the Alpine Theme Guidelines and registering an easement related to the access and maintenance of the shared garbage dumpster; The removal of two metal-framed poster boxes on the rear side of the car wash; That the signage on the existing 7- Eleven sign on the corner of Highway 16 and Columbia Street either uses no internal lighting or that the vinyl work is designed so internal lighting only illuminates from the “car wash” lettering portion; The Developer registers an easement for the installation and maintenance of the landscaping; The Developer registers an easement for the installation, regular maintenance, vehicular traffic access, and snow removal on the subject property related to the sound wall, the yield sign, and the car wash maneuvering lane; and that “the developer shall update to the existing covenant registered on title related to the existing pylon (freestanding) sign on the corner of Highway 16 and Columbia Street on the subject property to permit signage for the existing 7-Eleven convenience store and Esso gas station.”

As this was only a report to council, there was no motion required by council and there was little discussion on the report.

trevor.hewitt@interior-news.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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