Council demands answers

Coldstream politicians are hoping to flush out some answers over a costly water plan.

Coldstream politicians are hoping to flush out some answers over a costly water plan.

Council is inviting the Regional District of North Okanagan’s general manager of engineering and chief financial officer to attend a meeting and provide details on the Greater Vernon master water plan.

“What will we do with the money and how will we repay it?” said Coun. Gyula Kiss.

In November, Greater Vernon residents will be asked to borrow up to $70 million for the plan, which includes $26.5 million for filtration at the Duteau Creek treatment facility.

Coun. Pat Cochrane isn’t sure why the issue needs to be debated at Coldstream council.

“Why can’t these questions be asked at the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee and reported back to us (by Coldstream representatives)?” he said.

However, Kiss says while Coldstream has delegates to GVAC, all of council should be aware of the proposal because of the cost implications for the municipality’s taxpayers.

“You should all be advised the same,” he said of receiving information.

Kiss gained support from Coun. Maria Besso, who insists questions about the plan have been asked at GVAC before but specific details are still lacking.

“The answers as we approach a referendum seem to be changing,” she said.


Vernon Morning Star