Council Hightlights September 14

Highlights from the Nakusp Village Council of September 14

Multi-use trail

It was standing room only at the Nakusp Village Council meeting on Monday night.

Most of the villagers in attendance had come to show their support for multi-use of rail trail highway 23, which is currently for walking only.

Presenter Danny Wiebe said he realized there were dangers along the trail, and it needs to be made safer for everyone. He said he also understands people being upset, and the potential for injury on the trail.

Wiebe brought up the fact that there doesn’t seem to be many places in town for a person to ride their bike or quad.

He also pointed out the  trail would be great for tourism. People who come for the hot springs won’t be staying in the hot springs all day. They’ll want something else to do. If the trail went back to being multi-use, they could take their bikes, or quads, and enjoy the scenery.

Council members were given a petition with 297 names of people in support of the trail as multi-use, along with a number of hand written letters of support.

Mayor Karen Hamling has been getting feedback from both sides, and said one thing she was taken aback by was the amount of near misses, wither on the trail or on the highway, that she’s had people phoning her about.

Currently the village is doing research, checking legalities, and safety for everyone, and wil be taking into consideration what was heard at the meeting.

Water levels

Also discussed at council was how low the water has been in the reservoir during the summer.

Mayor Karen Hamling has been part of several discussions involving BC Hydro and the issues.

Aside from the beach being a disaster area for swimmers in the summer months, concerns have been raised over the Galena Bay Ferry. The ferry was to be constructed to 1,379 feet, but has constraints at 1,390 feet, due to the docking mechanisms, and cannot operate under 1,390 feet.

One point raised was water level issues for Interfor’s Castlegar marine operations.

Water levels above 1,410 feet result in no incremental marine activity impacts. Levels between 1,1410 and 1,395 feet result in moderate impacts, including smaller tows between the upper and lower Arrow Lakes, and the use of dumping skids that see little use. Levels between 1,395 and 1,390 will result in severe impacts, such as restricting and prohibiting the safe use of large towing vessels. If levels fall below 1,390, it will likely end up curtailing all towing activities.


Curbside recycling has been happening for a year and a half. However, starting in October, the bins are going to be moved to the landfill and the village is requesting a glass bin be located in town, near the village office.

It was also revealed during the meeting that the Nakusp Hot Springs website has been having ongoing issues with security. Twice now it’s been hacked, with contractors essentially having to tear the site apart each time in order to find out whatever bugs, traps, or back doors the hackers are putting in. Because there is no valuable information on the Hot Spring website, it can be assumed this was for amusement purposes only.

Arrow Lakes News