Council hits the pavement

The initial response to the business walks put on by the city’s economic development office has been a good one.

The initial response to the business walks put on by the city’s economic development office has been a good one, according to city council.

“I learned a lot about economic development,” said Coun. Denis Sauve.

The business walks are an initiative that the B.C. Economic Development Association is promoting with municipalities across British Columbia, city economic development manager Pat Deakin said. The walks were a collaboration between the city, the chamber of commerce and the province, he added.

According to Deakin, mayor and council visited 128 businesses during the inaugural event.

“We set for ourselves a target of 110 businesses on Friday and we succeeded in connecting with 128,” said Deakin, adding that 77 of the businesses filled out a survey and the others were directed to an online version on the city website.

“I think it was an event well worth its while.”

Results from the walk will be available in the coming weeks.

Alberni Valley News