Council ices arena review

Who should scrutinize plans for a new arena sparked considerable debate in Vernon Monday.

Who should scrutinize plans for a new arena sparked considerable debate in Vernon Monday.

A majority of council agreed with staff not to let the city’s advisory planning committee review and comment on a feasibility study for a proposed expansion of Kal Tire Place.

“Why not let them review it? I don’t understand the reason for this,” said Coun. Scott Anderson.

“The more eyes on it, the better.”

A similar response came from Coun. Bob Spiers, who says the APC can look at issues such as parking and layout.

“Give them it and let them make their comments,” he said.

However, staff insists the APC’s mandate does not include providing comment on the proposed ice sheet at this stage because no variance permits have been sought.

“At such time as a variance was applied for, the application would be forwarded to the APC,” said Kim Flick, planning and building sdirector.

And while a feasibility study for a second ice sheet has been done, staff told council that no firm design details have been worked out.

“At this time, there are no specific plans. There is no plan to comment on,” said Will Pearce, chief administrative officer.

In the end, only Spiers and Anderson opposed the motion to deny the APC’s request to review expansion plans (Coun. Catherine Lord was absent and Coun. Brian Quiring declared a conflict because his architecture firm did the feasibility study).


Vernon Morning Star