Al Cox accepts a gift certificate from Mayor Karen Hamling who told Cox his excellent work in the Village has been appreciated.

Al Cox accepts a gift certificate from Mayor Karen Hamling who told Cox his excellent work in the Village has been appreciated.

Council notes from Oct. 22: ‘Gator Al’ Cox retires

'Gator Al' retires, and more from the Nakusp Council meeting on Oct. 22, 2012.

‘Gator Al’ retires

Al Cox, who has worked in the Village in many capacities since 2003, has retired.

“We all know around town the pride you’ve taken in your work, and how well you’ve kept the downtown,” mayor Karen Hamling told Cox, “We’ve received lots of compliments about that through the years.”

Hamling mentioned that Cox has the nickname “Gator Al.”

“Do you know where that came from,” said Cox, who explained that it didn’t come from driving the Gator: “From the hot springs years ago when I took lots of kids up there and was under the water more than I was above it.”

“We always appreciated, Al, how good you were with the tourists and how friendly you were,” said Hamling. “It makes a huge difference in our community when our staff promote our community the way you do.”

Water rates for everyone

Councillor Joseph Hughes asked for clarification whether property owners pay sewer and water rates even if they aren’t connected to the system.

“Typically how it works, if you’re in a service area, then you pay for the water connection regardless of whether you’re hooked up or not because you’re paying for the infrastructure, not the use,” explained CAO Linda Tynan. “If you were on a metered you’d still pay for the infrastructure, [but] you wouldn’t pay for the use.”

Financial Open House

The Financial Open House will have displays and staff available to answer questions and explain the visual presentations as well as receive feedback about services provided to the Village. The meeting will take place November 13 between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m.

Hot tourist month at Springs

Hot Springs was hot in September with the number of visitors for that month being higher than all other months.

Clearing up any potential confusion

The Village is applying for tenure of the riverbank area where the foot bridge will be constructed up at the Nakusp Hot Springs. Council and staff wanted to ensure that there was no confusion when the legally-required advertisement hits the newspapers.

“We’re required by the Ministry to apply for tenure for the bridge for the hot springs because of the riverbank [which is under provincial jurisdiction],” Tynan said. It is just the creek bed that doesn’t belong to the Village, not the entire Nakusp Hot Springs property, she clarified.

Wedding proposal

It’s a little more unusual than some as it’s for a reception and a ceremony on the greenspace by the pathway in front of the Leland Hotel. Staff is looking into it to see if can work logistically to have the wedding but ensure the walkway stays open as well as other details. If the wedding is approved to take place, it will be happening in August of next year.

Fireworks request needs more work

The Nakusp General Store has requested a change to Bylaw 366,1988 (the Fireworks bylaw) so fireworks could be sold in compliance with Southeast Fire Restrictions, but year round, or at least for Christmas and New Year events in addition to Hallowe’en. The matter was referred back to staff to look into further.

FCM proposal for continued federal funding

A motion was passed to support a resolution endorsing the Federation of Canadian Municipalities campaign to urge the Federal government to launch a new long-term plan for municipal infrastructure funding.

A current plan, the Building Canada Plan, is to expire in March 2014. The resolution points out that federal investments have helped slow the decline in communities, and that a “seamless transition” is required to ensure that municipalities can continue planning capital spending effectively.

The FCM’s resolution asks that a new plan be in place before the expiration of the Building Canada Plan in March 2014.

Transit committee wins award for work

The City of Nelson, Kootenay Boundary and Central Kootenay Regional Districts have won a partnership award from UBCM for their work integrating the West Kootenay Transit services, mayor Hamling informed council.

“It’s been a great committee,” she told them, “Everybody’s worked together to improve the bus system, making it more efficient and not cost more.”

Duchaine takes work home

Councillor Guy Duchaine told the council that he’d like to learn more about how NACFOR works, particularly how contracts are awarded, how the wood is sold, and what happens to the profits and losses.

“It’s not that there are any red flags,” Duchaine assured, “I just have three weeks with nothing to do.”


Arrow Lakes News