Council okays water cistern

A 1,500 gallon cistern (holding tank) to be used as the domestic water source for a new residence

The owners of a property on Candle Creek Road can now place a manufactured home there, even though there is no source of domestic groundwater or a surface water license.

Town council voted during its July 7 meeting to issue a variance permit to allow the use of a 1,500 gallon cistern (holding tank) as the domestic water source for the new building.

The water would be transported to the property by a commercial provider.

Under existing bylaws, water transported to a cistern is not an acceptable form of proof of water for a new subdivision, noted a report to council from the TNRD planner.

However, the 6.6 ha lot was created by subdivision in 1983.

The lot was created and subsequently sold with a “no-build” covenant registered on the title.

The current owners bought the property in 2006. They were aware of the covenant but did not fully understand its meaning.

A well driller drilled to a depth of 280 feet but reached only bedrock. Three “witchers” also searched for water but were unable to locate any.

Only one response was received from neighbors and it indicated no opposition to the proposal.

Mayor makes his report

In his report to council, Mayor John Harwood said that he wants to get Thompson-Nicola Regional District to develop a regional protocol on how local governments deal with First Nations.

The lack of coordination means a patchwork quilt of approaches has developed, he felt.

Harwood, who serves as District of Clearwater’s representative on the TNRD board, also reported that the regional district is moving from using the court system to adjudication to settle disputes.


Clearwater Times