Council passes variance on mayor’s Parksville subdivision

Couns. Busch and Hutchinson remain opposed to phase-in approach for Parksville Street.

Sicamous council has granted variances sought for a multiple residential development project at  727 Parksville Street, but not without some reservation.

A public hearing on the variances was held Wednesday evening at the regular meeting of council. Mayor Darrell Trouton, who owns the property and is the developer, stepped out due to a conflict of interest. But the hearing was brief. Only two letters were received on the matter, and both were supportive of the variances, which allow required municipal works (sidewalks, lighting, etc.) along Parksville Street and Larch Avenue to be phased in over the development of the five-lot subdivision.

Tied to the variances is covenant on lot 4 that prohibits issuance of a building permit until services are provided along Larch, fronting the lot.

Later in the meeting, council approved the variances, with Coun. Charlotte Hutchinson opposed and Coun. Greg Kyllo absent.

Coun. Fred Busch said he supported the subdivision, and voted as such, but not until after expressing his concerns over the variances.

“I still feel we are short-changing the residents on Parksville Street by not requiring that the sidewalk and the other works be completed all along that property, and that the District of Sicamous would do its share for upgrading that,” said Busch. “I was not able to attend the meeting when this was discussed, so I guess that’s probably a lost cause, but that’s still my feeling on that matter.”


Hutchinson said she agreed with Busch, that the community has already compromised enough and that at least Parksville should be completed up front.



Eagle Valley News