Council postpones decision on Five Corners parking appeal

Merchants at White Rock’s Five Corners will have to wait until next month to learn if their appeal for the return of across-the-board two-hour parking has swayed city council.

Council voted Monday to table a decision on the matter, after it was discovered that information presented during an April 4 delegation had not been reviewed by all members of council.

The point was raised by business-owner Glynis de Crewe-Le Blanc, who asked during question period if council had received a petition she submitted supporting return of the two-hour time limit. Coun. Helen Fathers said she hadn’t.

While city administrators had recommended council endorse maintaining three one-hour stalls that were changed to the reduced limit about four months ago, de Crewe-Le Blanc questioned the fairness of an uninformed decision.

“How can it be looked at without reviewing all the evidence?” she asked .

The decision to table the matter passed, with Coun. Lynne Sinclair opposed.


Peace Arch News