Christine van Reeuwyk/Oak Bay News

Christine van Reeuwyk/Oak Bay News

Council preview: Oak Bay issues long service fire awards, peruses Sea of Lights approval

Due to the long weekend, Oak Bay council meets Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m.

  • Oct. 9, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Thank to the long weekend, Oak Bay staff and council don’t have a meeting tonight, but will meet Tuesday, Oct. 10 instead.

The first order of business, Oak Bay issues long service awards to fire department members.

The Sea of Lights application is also up for discussion and potential approval. Royal Victoria Yacht Club seeks permission for the beach bonfire at Willows to augment its annual light parade planned for Dec. 1. This event has become a part of Oak Bay’s Christmas calendar since 2006 when it was introduced to celebrate Oak Bay’s centennial. The event partners with Oak Bay Kiwanis and the Salvation Army to attract contributions to their Christmas charities.

The agenda includes a lengthy monthly report of active land use applications to Sept. 27. The new Building and Planning Department monthly report is part of the district effort to enhance communications and track workload.

The agenda also includes minutes from Advisory Design Panel and Advisory Planning Commission meetings from July are also up for approval.

The lone resolution on the agenda would see Oak Bay enact a statutory right-of-way agreement between FortisBC Energy and the district at 2170 Espalande to allow the residence access to gas services.

As always, other items could arise in the public input or new business segments of the meeting. Oak Bay council meets Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. Find the agenda here.


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