Council relies on volunteers

Councillors vote to seek advice from local gardening groups

The District of Mission relying on the kindness of strangers in dealing with an eyesore on Cedar Street.

Council voted to 4-3 to solicit the help of local gardening groups to clean up the storm-water detention pond on Cedar Street.

District staff had recommended spending $8,500 to install green screening inserts on the side with the pond as well planting about 20 trees to improve the area. The district would then clean up the rest of the area north and south of the pond once properties in that area are developed.

Coun. Jenny Stevens said she would rather see if a local garden group had any ideas to improve the area.

“Frankly, if we’ve got $8,500 to spend on getting rid of an eyesore and improving things, quite honestly I think we could benefit the community more by spending it downtown,” said Stevens

However, to say the district doesn’t have the money is not entirely accurate, said coun. Dave Hensman.

He said the more than $129,000 that is currently in the district’s tree planting account is there specifically for these types of projects.

“We want to beautify and improve our community. That’s why we’re here, folks,” said Hensman. “So let’s move forward and beautify Mission, and if it’s one lot at a time, bring me the next ugly one on your list and let’s look at that one too.”

Stevens, along with councillors Nelson Tilbury, Larry Nundal, and Jeff Jewel carried the motion to approach the local gardening groups.

Mission City Record