Japanese Canadian citizens being transferred into waiting trucks outside Hope Station House. NNMCC L2021-2-1-004. Photographs courtesy of the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre

Council removes heritage status of Hope Station House

Historic building could now be demolished, instead of being saved for future use in another location

The historic Hope Station House has lost its municipal heritage status.

The District of Hope council voted 5-1 in favour of removing the status, which was granted by council in 1982 under the Heritage Conservation Act. Councillor Scott Medlock was the only person to vote against the bylaw.

The Hope Station House has been mired in controversy for the past year. Removing the heritage status allows the District to move forward with demolishing the building, which sits on the corner of Old Princeton Highway and Water Avenue.

The bylaw was given a first and second read on April 12, and then a public hearing was held on May 10. It was then read a third time on May 25, and has been waiting for adoption ever since.

Up until Monday, council had been unanimous on demolition. They believe it to be “badly deteriorating” and have no desire to have to moved to a different site to be repurposed. But that is what many in the community are hoping to do, and launched an appeal to council, filed complaints to the ombudsperson, and staged various protests.

Other items on the Aug. 9 agenda included a staff report on the Legacy Program, a report on the Coquihalla flood projects, a discussion of the community signage plan, and a change to the fees bylaw that include a new charge for flower vases at the Hope Cemetery.

READ MORE: Petition to save Hope’s station house gets 1,000+ signatures

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Hope Standard