Village of Burns Lake. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Council start appointments for tourism advisory committee

Commitee to work on the village's tourism plan

  • Mar. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The village of Burns Lake’s tourism plan is moving swiftly and a tourism advisory committee is being formed.

“The Tourism Plan is underway and we are making good progress. We have hired a Tourism Coordinator who is currently setting up the Visitor Information Center and the Spirit Square Visitor Information Center . We are in the process of setting up the Tourism Advisory Committee,” said Sheryl Worthing, the village chief administrative officer.

According the terms of reference for the tourism plan, the Mayor will be the chair of the committee and Councillor Kevin White agreed to be the second member on the advisory committee. The next steps are to appoint one representative from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN), three First Nations representatives including one representative from the Burns Lake Native Development Corporation, one representative from Burns Lake Band, and one representative from Lake Babine Nation, four representatives representing tourism related non-profit organizations and tourism operators and businesses from various sectors like restaurants, retail, culture & arts, sports and one member of the public.

Once the appointment process is completed, the committee will advertise for committee members and write letters to organizations requesting participation.

The purpose of this committee is to work in developing Burns Lake and the surrounding area and turn it into a vibrant and welcoming tourism destination. The committee will also provide the village council with advice and recommendations of tourism-related issues, oversee the development of tourism and provide advice and recommendations to council for maintenance of the tourism plan.

“As for upcoming projects, one of the first things the Tourism Advisory Committee will be tasked with is providing direction on the Mural Project that has been funded by grants,” said Worthing.

The BC Rural Divident Grant was given for 10 projects in the north to help fund projects that support economic development and diversification in rural communities through capacity building, and workforce, business and community development. Of the $100,000 given to the village, a total of $27,500 was approved for the mural portion of the project, none of which has been used so far.

The murals have been planned to be completed by summer of 2021 and the theme for the murals will be developed and centred around the new Burns Lake Brand.

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist

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