Council Taken to Task Over VIC

The town of Port McNeill opted not to put the new harbour master in charge of the visitors' information centre at this time.

  • Apr. 26, 2015 1:00 p.m.

Despite calls from the audience, and even one of its own council- lors, the Town of Port McNeill opted not to revisit the issue of put- ting the new harbour master in charge of the visitors’ information centre at this time.

The topic came up at Tuesday night’s public meeting on the town’s five-year plan which but be adopted by May 15.

Approximately 20 residents were on hand, many of them speaking up against the town’s decision, particularly when it appears this is going to be one of the busiest tourist seasons on record. One person expressed support for the plan.

Terry Eissfeldt said the decision flies in the face of the town’s recently- released Economic Development Plan which calls for working together to capitalize on

strengths. “This doesn’t seem like capitalizing on our strengths. This is a step backward,” Eissfeldt said.

“We decided that this time we would try something different,” said Mayor Shirley Ackland.

“I am sincerely con- cerned about this deci- sion and I am totally against it. I’m not impressed. I challenge you to go back to the table on this one,” said Terrance Eissfeldt.

Gwen Alsop agreed, “It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m really disappointed. I think if you put this to a referendum, you know it wouldn’t fly.”

After hearing the pre- sentations, Councillor Shelley Downey, made a motion that coun- cil keep the existing

arrangement in place at least until the end of this year’s tourist sea- son. The motion did not receive a seconder and did not go to a vote.

The five-year plan is on the May 2 agenda for approval.

(More on this story in the next issue of the Gazette.)


North Island Gazette