Council takes summer break, but return to full agenda in fall

Several public hearings wait for councillors as well as public engagement events

Sooke councillors started their summer break last week, but when they return in the fall they’ll have plenty of work to do.

Council has scheduled four public hearings for Sept. 12.

• A developer hopes to rezone a one-acre piece of property into eight strata lots at 7125 Grant Rd. West. Each lot size is approximately 3,767 square feet. The applicant has also applied to include the properties in the sewer specified area.

• The owner of a long-established mobile home park at 721 Grant Rd. wants a a 11,300 square foot portion of the park changed from a large lot designation to manufactured home park status. The zoning on the land dates back to zoning bylaws inherited from the Capital Regional District in the 1990s. The owner wants to rezone the property into compliance with existing uses.

• A childcare facility is proposed for 6038 Sooke Road, next to Saseenos Elementary School. The proponent needs to amend the zoning of the 2.45-acre property to permit a community care facility. Children will be housed in two existing buildings. The facility will be licensed by Island Health. The proponent also needs approval from the Agricultural Land Commission before the project can continue.

• Sooke Options for Community Living is applying to rezone 6816 West Coast Rd. from large lot residential to community facilities to create a new home for itself. The area to be rezoned is approximately half an acre. The association is a non-profit society that supports local children, youth and adults who have developmental and physical disabilities.

Besides public hearings and other regular council business, councillors are also planning a town hall meeting and a housing forum this fall, while district staff have announced a series of community engagement events in October to get residents’ thoughts on economic development, the official community plan and municipal budget.


Sooke News Mirror