Council to pen letter against potential Greyhound route reduction in Castlegar

Greyhound is applying to the B.C. Passenger Transportation Board to eliminate Route D which goes from the Alberta border to Vancouver



Greyhound is applying to the B.C. Passenger Transportation Board to eliminate Route D which goes from the Alberta border to Vancouver and includes a stop in Castlegar.

At Castlegar’s City Council meeting on Oct. 15, council agreed to send a letter to Greyhound disagreeing with the possible reduction in services.

“What they’re trying to do – it’s an economic issue for them,” said Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff. “You have to realize that for some people the Greyhound is there vital link for transportation. I think it’s council’s responsibility to do as much as they can to say, ‘hey, is there a different way to do this?’. But, ultimately, it’s a business decision by Greyhound. It’s the bottom line. Why run the route if it’s not profitable. They say, ‘why would we run a service with three people.’ Fuel costs are up, wages are up, everything is up.  We still want to intercede as much as we can because, as I said, for some people it’s the way they have (to get around).”

The buses potentially eliminated run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 7:15 p.m. going West and 4:40 a.m. going East on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, said a local Greyhound employee.

Castlegar will still be serviced by Greyhound with a daily 10 a.m. bus going West and a 6:10 p.m. bus going East.

Interested parties may provide written comments on or before Wednesday, Oct. 24 to:

B.C. Passenger Transportation Board

Box 9850 Stn Prov Govt

Victoria, BC  V8W 9T5

or by email:


Castlegar News