Council to revist Woodland Drive application

Two weeks after city council narrowly rejected a developer’s application for variances on a Woodland Drive property, the proposal is back.

Just two weeks after city council narrowly rejected a developer’s application for variances on a Woodland Drive property, the proposal is back on the table again.

City council will give reconsideration to the development permit variance for a residential project at 18 Woodland Drive.

At Tuesday’s regular council meeting Coun. Jason Ryll brought forth the motion asking council to reconsider the application.

“I want to make an informed decision. I still have questions and am seeking clarification,” Ryll said.

As a result, the application will have to undergo an entire new process that will involve public input.

Notification will go out to Woodland Drive residents and people living within a 100 metre radius of the property, in advance of the application coming to city council again on Nov. 17.

The main aspects of the variance involve not widening the road to the 2015 standard of 11 metres, permission to install hydro, cable and telephone above ground, and using ditches for storm water drainage.

Other developers opposed the variances saying all subdivisions should adhere to today’s standards.

Acting Mayor Craig Smith and Coun. Ivan Bonnell opposed to motion. Councillors Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll and Laurie Walters were in favour. Mayor Walt Cobb and Coun. Sue Zacharias were absent from the meeting.

Williams Lake Tribune