Council toes line on expenses

Spallumcheen council stayed true to their word when it came to watching their expenses.

Spallumcheen council stayed true to their word when it came to watching their expenses.

After dropping the amount of money available for travel and conference expenditures in the last budget from $30,000 to $25,000, council was reimbursed $17,676.81 in 2013 for receipts submitted for such trips.

“We are well below the $25,000,” said Mayor Janice Brown. “We keep decreasing our expenses.”

Brown has the most expenses at $6,575.68. Next was Coun. Ed Hanoski with $3,180.70 while councillors Chrstine Fraser ($2,406.21), Joe Van Tienhoven ($2,521.06) and Rachael Ganson ($2,993.16) were all under $3,000 in expenses.

Todd York and Andrew Casson did not submit any travel and conference expenditures in 2013.

The figures are part of the council remuneration and expense report and employee remuneration and expenses which will be included in the township’s annual report for 2013.

Brown made the most on council with her remuneration of $19,229.39 plus her expenses equaling just under $25,000.

Casson, Van Tienhoven, York and Fraser all earned $9,535.87 as councillors, while Ganson and Hanoski made $9,421.47. The discrepancy among the councillors, according to chief finanical officer Brian Freeman-Marsh, was that Ganson and Hanoski’s Canada Pension Plans payments made by the township were smaller than the other four.

Four township employees, according to the report, are paid more than $75,000.

Topping the list is public works manager Ed Forslund ($98,135.49), followed by Freeman-Marsh  ($82,936.15), fire inspector and deputy fire chief Alastair Crick ($78,570.69) and public works foreman Dwayne Sintich ($77,915.74).

In 2013, the township paid out $1.1 million in remuneration to elected officials and employees, and just more than $28,000 in expenses.


Vernon Morning Star