Council works on meat co-op and sign bylaw

sign bylaw: talk but no action

Following are the highlights from the Aug. 16 District of 100 Mile House regular council meetings:


Quorum met

In the absence of Mayor Mitch Campsall and Coun. Dave Mingo, the council meeting was chaired by acting mayor Coun. Jeannie Best and attended by councillors Mel Torgerson and Bill Hadden, along with several staff members.


Sign bylaw

At the request of district staff, councillors at the committee of the whole meeting reviewed the sign bylaw to determine if changes were in order.

Under consideration were potentially providing draft revisions, determining if a sign audit would be undertaken, or if the bylaw should be left intact.

Staff noted that currently many related variations are reviewed and processed, and that some prohibited signs were in use, such as sandwich boards and signs located off premises.

Council deliberated for about 15 minutes, including discussing the procedure for the bylaw enforcement on the sandwich boards, which was noted to be complaint-driven.

It was decided to leave the sign bylaw as it is and continue to have applicants request variances if their signs do not meet its requirements.


ALR subdivision approved

Councillors passed a resolution to authorize the application for subdivision of Agriculture Land Reserve land on 100 Mile Ranch property, intended to be used for the South Cariboo Meat Co-op (SCMC) abattoir.

SCMC board member Christine Jordaan and agent Nigel Hemingway, acting for EMCEE Holdings (1995) Ltd., attended the meeting to hear the decision handed down by council.

Council noted its decision in no way affects the required zoning amendments, for which the project must obtain separate approvals.

The application will now be forwarded to the Agriculture Land Commission for the next stage of the approval process.


100 Mile House Free Press