Councillor Patrick Nicol wants access action

A Vernon politician wants to know why public lake accesses are being ignored, plus other news briefs from Vernon Council...

A Vernon politician wants to know why public lake accesses are being ignored.

Coun. Patrick Nicol isn’t satisfied with the Regional District of North Okanagan’s explanation that staff are too busy with other projects to make improvements to 10 beach lots on Lakeshore Road.

“It’s high time we get the full story and completed it,” he said.

Nicol, who is RDNO chairperson, wants the issue on the regional district’s June 6 agenda.

A local resident recently expressed concerns in The Morning Star that weeds and garbage are common on the lots and they are preventing use of the area.

Sewer station opposed

Resident Andree Martell Rhodes is not wild about her new neighbour.

The City of Vernon wants to install a sewage lift station next to her property on Tronson Road.

“My life and property are being devalued for dubious benefits for others,” she said during a presentation to council.

Among her concerns are esthetics, odour, the loss of mature trees and noise from machines operating the station.

“None of that should be placed within 45 feet of someone’s house,” said Martell Rhodes.

City council is awaiting a staff report on the proposal.

“No decision (on location) has been made,” said Mayor Rob Sawatzky.

“We shouldn’t make any decisions without full information.”

Low-speed vehicles promoted

The City of Vernon is under pressure to allow low-speed, electric vehicles on local roads.

“A lot of communities have enacted a bylaw for this,” said resident Geoff Elliott in a presentation to council.

Elliott says the vehicles can be insured and licensed and they should only be allowed on roads where the speed is 50 kilometres an hour or less.

“They are a step above a golf cart. They have all of the lights, seatbelts and a windshield.”

Elliott believes the low-speed vehicles are affordable for families because there is no maintenance involved and because they consume little energy.


Vernon Morning Star