Councillor ponders cutbacks in Rossland

In council last week, Coun. Cary Fisher wasn't enthused about the taxation service levels in Rossland.

In council last week, Coun. Cary Fisher wasn’t enthused about the taxation service levels in Rossland.

Fisher noted that taxes in Rossland are high and the city and council should be thinking of tightening their budget, but instead had “not even considered it.”

Fisher said that it’s been on his mind lately and so he’s been talking to Rossland residents around town, asking whether they knew what they were paying for.

He said that 70 per cent of the people didn’t have a very good idea of where their tax money went.

He wondered then if residents wanted many of the services that they currently pay into, saying they should put the question out to the public to get input on the programs the city pays for but may not be as vital to them.

Fisher then offered a sample: “How important is the museum?” he asked.

“What are the things other than essential services (that people want to pay for)? Discussion needs to be with everyone in town.”

Coun. Jill Spearn disagreed with Fisher’s commentary, saying that since the residents elect council to take care of the city’s business.

She also noted that she wasn’t at all surprised that people weren’t aware of all the things they pay for, since prior to being elected, she had no idea either.

Coun. Kathy Moore said the city needed to communicate better how they spend the money.


Rossland News