Councillor seat will be left vacant

City council will be one councillor short come June 1 until the municipal election in November.

City council will be one councillor short come June 1 until the municipal election in November.

Coun. Natalie Hebert announced several weeks ago that she and her husband were leaving the community for personal reasons. At that time, however, City Hall had indicated council had not discussed whether it would fill Hebert’s seat in a byelection or leave it empty until the November vote.

On Monday night council announced it would in fact leave the seat vacant.

There are, council said, enough remaining councillors to fulfill the Community Charter requirement for a quorum, or four members.

Although Hebert will stay sitting at the table for the next two months, councillors lined up to express their gratitude for her work and dedication to the community.

“Even with her short time with us she’s done an excellent job,” said Coun. Surinderpal Rathor. “I personally appreciate the contribution. Thank you.”

Coun. Walters said: “You were the mover and the shaker with the youth council and were very instrumental in this process. You will be greatly missed with council and contribution to community.”

Coun. Sue Zacharias thanked Hebert for her “fresh perspective.”

Hebert told councillors it was “an honour” working with both them and the community and that it was a hard to decision to move away. She wished the community good luck in the future.

Williams Lake Tribune