Councillor wants action on clock tower

Time is running out for Vernon staff to fix the downtown clock tower

Time is running out for City of Vernon staff to fix the downtown clock tower.

On Monday, Coun. Shawn Lee raised the issue of the clock tower — at 32nd Avenue and 31st Street — for the second time within a month and he wants a firm date for staff to present a plan for repairs.

“It doesn’t reflect well on the image of the community,” said Lee.

The clock was part of Vernon’s 1912 post office, which was demolished in 1959. It was installed in the tower, in front of the Greater Vernon Museum,  in 1967.

One city employee was responsible for maintaining the clock but he retired a few years ago and the city has not had specialized clock expertise since then.

It’s possible the clock hasn’t functioned properly for four years, and Lee believes that is frustrating for residents.

“How many times do you want to walk by a clock that doesn’t work? You wouldn’t do it in your own home,” he said.

There have been some delays in determining the condition of the clock as an Okanagan-based company that was approached by the city has not been in contact.

The city has now approached a Langley business that deals with clocks.

“I hope they will come out in the next week or two to do an assessment and I hope there will be a report to council in August,” said Rob Dickinson, engineering services manager.

It’s not known if the clock’s existing components can be repaired or if new mechanisms are required.

Cost will likely be the final factor in any work proceeding.


“The matter will be referred to the finance committee but I am hopeful we can do something with the clock,” said Lee.



Vernon Morning Star