Councillors receive change in duties

Coun. Juliette Cunningham will now sit at GVAC, while Coun. Catherine Lord will shift to RDNO

Deck chairs are being re-arranged slightly for Vernon politicians.

City council is being asked Monday to approve 2014 committee appointments, and the only major change is with the Regional District of North Okanagan and the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee.

“This is a chance to give interested councillors an opportunity to change places,” said Mayor Rob Sawatzky.

“There is a lot of interest in those committees.”

Coun. Juliette Cunningham, who was at RDNO, will now sit at GVAC, while Coun. Catherine Lord will shift from GVAC to the regional district board.

“He’s trying to give everyone a chance to sit at regional district,” said Lord of Sawatzky.

But Cunningham and Lord are the only ones impacted.

Sawatzky will continue to attend both RDNO and GVAC, while Coun. Bob Spiers will remain at GVAC and Councillors Patrick Nicol and Mary-Jo O’Keefe will still be at the regional district.

Sawatzky says he considered a number of factors before not initiating a major overhaul in council appointments.

“Some people feel that they’re not in a position with extra time and also, we try to balance things with some continuity,” he said.

Cunningham’s focus at GVAC will be water, sub-regional parks, youth and culture.

“I am looking forward to learning how it functions. I always like a challenge,” she said.

Other appointments for 2014 include Lord at Okanagan Regional Library, Coun. Brian Quiring at the heritage advisory committee, O’Keefe with the sister cities committee, Cunningham with affordable housing, Spiers with the finance committee and Nicol with the parking advisory committee.


Vernon Morning Star