CounterAttack roadchecks begin July 1

Every Canada Day, an average of 22 people are injured in 97 crashes in the Southern Interior

Police begin CounterAttack across the province on July 1.

Police begin CounterAttack across the province on July 1.

Insurance Corporation of B.C.

Every Canada Day, an average of 22 people are injured in 97 crashes in the Southern Interior.

Also in the Southern Interior, an average of 14 people are killed in impaired-related crashes during the summer months every year.

That’s why the B.C. government, ICBC and police kicked off the CounterAttack campaign on July 1 to keep impaired drivers off our roads this summer.

Whether you’re out golfing, boating or at a BBQ with friends, everyone needs to plan ahead for a safe ride home this summer – arrange a designated driver, call a taxi or take transit. Police will be looking for impaired drivers at CounterAttack roadchecks across the province.

With so many options to get home safely, there is no excuse to drive while impaired. But some drivers still aren’t getting the message – here are the top excuses given by impaired drivers to police at CounterAttack roadchecks:

• “My girlfriend was too drunk to make it home from the bar, so I’m going to pick her up.”

• “I’m an idiot!”

• “But I have a driver’s licence, no one else had a driver’s licence!”

• “I don’t feel drunk!”

• “I’m only two blocks from home.”

• “Mom told me to bring the truck home.”

• “I had to pick up my husband.”


ICBC supports CounterAttack with funding for enhanced police enforcement and an education campaign which promotes the use of designated drivers.



Clearwater Times