Gord Johns in the NDP candidate in the Courtenay-Alberni riding. (Submitted photo)

Courtenay-Alberni candidate profile: Gord Johns, Canada’s NDP

Election night set for Sept. 20, 2021

  • Aug. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

In an effort to inform the Courtenay-Alberni riding constituents, candidates have been given the opportunity to introduce themselves to the riding.


I am Gord Johns and I am asking you to re-elect me as Member of Parliament on Sept. 20.

Canada is turning the corner on the most difficult time most of us have ever lived through.

COVID-19 has taught us to put aside our differences and to overcome our greatest challenges. For the last two years, I have worked hard for the people of Courtenay-Alberni, reaching across party lines to find solutions and by doing politics differently.

As NDP small business and tourism critic, I rose in the House of Commons more than any otherMP from any party to advocate for our local business community and their workers during this pandemic. As fisheries and oceans critic, I spoke more frequently in Parliament than any MP in history on saving Pacific wild salmon. Through these efforts, I helped change federal policy and get action.

READ MORE: Full election coverage can be found here

Over six years as MP, I have successfully introduced parliamentary motions on ocean plastics and protecting Veterans benefits. I have worked hard with local governments as they have achieved fourteen times the annual infrastructure investment in our riding than during the previous 10 years of Conservative representation.

Together, we faced the pandemic and now it’s time to face other issues: affordable housing, child care and real reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. It is time for Canadians to stop having to choose between medication and feeding their families and to be able to see a dentist,regardless of income. And, to have their own family doctor.

It is time to increase benefits for seniors, take the profit out of long term care and provide people living with disabilities the support they need. It is time to relieve students from the burden of tuition debt. And, it’s time for the ultra rich to pay their fair share in taxes.

But, without a healthy environment, we can’t achieve any of these things. I believe in the science that says the climate crisis is the defining issue of our time. It is time to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy, create well-paying sustainable jobs and preserve our ancient old growth forests.

If I am privileged to gain your trust once again, I will continue to fight for the values of our coastal communities and for the future of our planet because if COVID has taught us anything, it is that change is possible. We are stronger together and everyone matters.

— Submitted


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